Lice Shampoo

  We developed an all natural lice shampoo that breaks the shell of the louse and makes it easier to comb out. 

  Many parents bring their children to us for head lice treatment. It is not uncommon, though not recommended,  to try several lice products on your own before deciding you need professional help.

  That is why we will spot test shampoo to see if a client is sensitive.

Get your kids back in school

When you find out your kids have head lice you want to get them back in school as quickly as possible. School's accept a re-entry note from Licenders after lice treatment has been performed.

What kills lice

What kills lice? There are pesticides that kill lice but you wouldn't want to put that on your child's head. There have been a lot of reported cases where children came down with serious diseases after using pesticides. Licenders lice shampoo is based on a head lice treatment home remedy which is all natural.
All locations are open seven Days a week.
Call: 1-888-LICENDERS Our preventive lice screenings minimize major outbreaks of head lice in classrooms and camps.